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How to use foaming silica gel correctly

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Foamed silicone rubber is a very practical material, but some details should be paid attention to in the process of use to ensure its effect and service life. Here are some precautions for using foamed silicone rubber:

Clean the surface: before using the foaming silicone rubber, it is necessary to clean the surface to ensure that it is clean and dust-free. This can improve the adhesion and sealing performance of foaming silicone rubber.

Cut out appropriate size: when using foaming silicone rubber, cut out appropriate size according to actual needs. Too large or too small size will affect the effect of foaming silicone rubber.

Wait for curing: After using foaming silicone rubber, it is necessary to wait for a period of time for it to fully cure. The curing time varies according to the thickness, temperature and other factors, and usually needs to wait more than 24 hours.

Avoid overuse: overuse of foaming silicone rubber may cause its damage and failure, so it is necessary to use an appropriate amount of foaming silicone rubber.

Store in a dry place: The foaming silicone rubber needs to be stored in a dry and ventilated place to avoid its failure due to moisture.

Avoid excessive compression: when using foaming silicone rubber, it is necessary to avoid excessive compression, so as not to cause its loss of elasticity and sealing.

In short, the correct use of foaming silicone rubber can improve its effect and service life, so as to better play its function. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to safety and avoid contact with eyes and skin during use.

For silicone rubber, please check the details:


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