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Solutions for "dead rubber" of rubber compounding rubber:

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(1) The design of the rubber should be appropriate and reasonable. For example, the accelerator should be used in multiple ways as much as possible. Suppress scorch. In order to adapt to high-temperature, high-pressure, and high-speed rubber mixing processes, an appropriate amount (0.3 to 0.5 parts) of an anti-scorch agent can also be used in the formula.

(2) Strengthen the cooling measures for rubber compounds in the rubber mixing and subsequent processes, mainly by strictly controlling the machine temperature, roller temperature and ensuring sufficient cooling water circulation, so that the operating temperature does not exceed the scorch critical point.

(3) Attention is paid to the management of semi-finished rubber materials. Each batch of materials should be followed by a flow card, implement the "first in, first out" storage principle, and stipulate that the maximum retention time for each vehicle material cannot be exceeded. The warehouse should have good ventilation.

(4) The vulcanization system was adjusted to use a sulfenamide accelerator, which greatly improved the scorch prevention performance.

(5) Improve rubber storage and processing conditions, such as enhanced cooling;

(6) Use anti-scorching agent.


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